Indeed, much improved.

The pockets are deep and spacious, the waist band makes much more sense, and no amount of twirly-ness has been lost in the second iteration of the black skirt. Whether the flannel made sense as a skirt material (the lady at the fabric store seemed skeptical and judgey) is yet to be determined, but overall this feels like a lovely addition to my wardrobe.

I'm feeling much more comfortable with my sewing machine and am thinking that perhaps I will make a pair of black leggings with the leftover fabric from this project. The one pair of black leggings that I have are a bit too short to stay consistently hidden under the tops of my boots when worn together.

One of these days I will likely foray into embroidery and develop a custom tag for all these custom clothes with no easily discernible front or back, but alas. A project for another day.
